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YUCO micro-AUV for research and commercial applications
Seaber - France
SEABER is an innovative company that designs and manufactures highly reliable micro-AUVs, for research and commercial oceanographic applications.
After years of experience and with a shared obsession for robotics and marine technologies, we decided to use our expertise and knowledge to develop the YUCO, the first micro-AUV that meets the specific needs of oceanographic researchers.
We believe that the future of ocean exploration belongs to fleets of numerous small, agile, and affordable AUVs.

To ensure perfect sealing, YUCO is compartmented in 2 sections. The dry section located in the middle and rear area is never to be opened by the user. This section hosts everything dedicated to navigation, including batteries, actuators, localization sensors and embedded electronics.

The wet section located in the front (nose) hosts the payloads (measurement devices) which are accessible to users. The wet section also embeds all necessary connector, for quick plug-and-play integration of new sensors.
To ensure everyday use in rough conditions, critical parts like mast and fins have been optimized over the years leading to a robust bio-inspired design.
There are several models: 
YUKO-SCAN for bathimertric surveys
YUKO-CTD for envirenmental monitoring
YUKO-CARRIER for coastal and lake monitoring
YUKO-PHISICO for multi-parameter data acquisition
YUKO-e-DNA for e-DNA sample collection and measurements 
YUKO-PAM for passive acoustic monitoring
YUKO-3DSS for for high resolution swath bathymetry.
YUKO-LUMEN for for imaging acquisition
MARVEL micro-AUV for survey e defense markets
Seaber - France
The Seaber MARVEL micro-AUV is slightly larger and more powerful than the Seaber YUCO AUV, making it better suited for survey and defense-oriented applications. It is ideal for use in sectors such as security, coast guard operations, mine countermeasure (MCM) missions, and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) training.
There are several models:

Towed Bodies

V-Wing Towed Underwater Depressor
DOT - Darmouth Ocean Technologies - Canada
The V-Wing towed underwater depressor enables users to conduct underwater research, inspection, and reconnaissance quickly and economically. V-Wing’s unique dihedral wing design enables rapid descent to unlimited depths, provides stability for added mission accuracy, and minimizes drag for increased efficiency.

Sensors for AUVs, ROVs.

AIRMAR® 200m Mini Altimeter Kit Smart™ Sensor
Airmar - USA & France
Airmar's 200m Mini Altimeter Kit is an ultra-compact altimeter kit designed for measuring height off the sea floor and underwater structures. Pressure rated for up to 1,000 meters, the 200m Mini Altimeter delivers 99.4% accuracy at 5.8 meters. The 200m Mini Altimeter delivers excellent performance from a small, lightweight configuration optimized for use on USVs and AUVs. The sensor is available in either 170 kHz or 200 kHz. With low power consumption of just 150 mA at 12 V, the 200m Mini Altimeter is perfect for power-limited vessels.

In full auto mode, the sounding rate is variable with depth; in manual mode, the sounding rate is configurable to run up to 10X per second. The data output rate and ping rate are the same in manual mode, and one ping produces one depth output. In full auto mode, the data output rate is configurable (0.1 to 25 seconds per interval). The 200m Mini Altimeter communicates NMEA 0183 serial data protocol over RS232 or RS422.
AIRMAR® Echo range transducers
Airmar - USA & France
Airmar’s Smart sensors feature embedded microelectronics that process depth and temperature inside the sensor that can be instantly displayed on any device that accepts NMEA data. EchoRange technology transfers NMEA 0183 data in real time to a computer via the RS-422 standard. In addition to the bi-directional NMEA 0183 interface, a secondary transmit only interface with a proprietary protocol using RS485 is available to OEMs. The user can obtain detailed echo envelope data which may be displayed as an analog waveform. The echo envelope is a 900-point time-series of the echo amplitude. By analyzing the shape of the echo envelope, information indicative of the seafloor type is revealed.
RTS Nemo Subsea Navigator (INS + DVL)
RTS - Norway
The RTS NEMO Subsea Navigator is a combined subsea Inertial Navigation System (INS) and DVL solution for water depths up to 4000m.
The unit is purpose-built for ROV navigation and features state-of-the-art field proven components from renowned subsea manufacturers Exail, Nortek and RTS.
RTS Gen 6 Mux
RTS - Norway
Features of the multiplexer Gen 6 Mux:
- 19 channels
- 3 x HD SDI Video as standard
- 9 x Ethernet
- Software resettable fuse on every channel
- 1200 W DC power
- Remote operation from web interface
- 3000 meter depth rating
RTS Green Line Laser Gen 2
RTS - Norway
The RTS Green Line Laser Gen 2 produces a straight green line with uniform intensity over a long range, made possible by its wavelength enabling maximum water penetration.
RTS Level 360
RTS - Norway
RTS Level 360 is a 1-axis full 360 degree high precision inclinometer for ROV’s and Divers. It can measure both vertical and horizontal planes.
RTS Fiber Adaptor Pod
RTS - Norway
The RTS Fiber Adaptor Pod is used to convert the fiber from the RTS Gen 5 / Gen 6 Multiplexer to fit on a Schilling ROV.
RTS MetStab
RTS - Norway
RTS MetStab Metrology Stab features unrivaled mating precision and repeatability to ensure objects or subsea equipment is placed correctly in all axes.
RTS - Norway
The RTS AXIS is a high-accuracy subsea pitch and roll sensor. The unit provides an absolute accuracy of 0,1 degrees from -45 to +45 degrees across both axis with exceptional repeatability.
RTS - Norway
RTS PPS Box is a highly compact and robust solution for distributing GPS timing signals to survey spreads. The RTS PPS Box is typically used for time synchronization of sensors and logging systems.
Motion Reference Unit (MRU)
Norwegian Subsea
3 different MRUs for every budget and requirement. 
MRU Compact: for use on dry areas.
MRU Marine: for use on deck and up to 50m water depth
MRU Subsea: for use subsea up to 6000m water depth


Blueye X3 ROV
Blueye - Norway
The ROV providing you with endless possibilities.
Blueye X3 specs: 3 x Guest Ports enabling integration of different external equipment such as Sonar, DVL, Gripper, Echosounder etc...; Camera Tilt; Multiple spectators Observer App; Battery: 5 hrs*; Depth: 300m; Live Streaming to MS Teams
Blueye X1 ROV
Blueye - Norway
One-man portable ROV to interact with the underwater environment. Quick and user-friendly inspection of your assets below the surface.
Blueye X1 ROV specs: 1 x Guest Port for external equipment (sonar, DVL, etc...); Tilt Camera: -30° to +30° mechanical tilt; Replaceable Smart Battery: 2 to 5 hours; Multiple spectators Observer App; Depth: 300m; Live Streaming to Microsoft Teams.
Blueye Pioneer
Blueye - Norway
Groundbreaking technology to get your eyes below the surface. The Blueye Pioneer underwater drone offers exceptional user experience and performance.
Blueye Pioneer basic specs: Full HD Camera, 3300 Lumen LED Light, Automatic Heading & Depth, Rated 150m.
Strategic Robotic Systems, Inc. (SRS) - USA
Fusion Hydrid ROV Specs:
Highly capable portable hybrid ROV - deploy as an ROV with a tether or as an AUV
Fully integrated imaging and navigation sensors - side scan sonar, imaging sonar, HD video, DVL, AHRS, GNSS, and USBL
FUSION is the only ROV of its class with an integrated side scan sonar AND gap filler technology
The system deploys out of the box within minutes
Intuitive software with fully integrated data management which requires no third-party software.
Designed for easy operation, and features hot swappable batteries (available in Li or NiMH configurations), and quick release thrusters that are field swappable in less than 60 seconds
No generator required allowing operations from a broad range of crafts of opportunity.