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Oceanographic Floats

infiniTE™ float for data gathering and ocean profiling.
Seatrec - USA
Seatrec’s infiniTE™ float is the first subsurface ocean profiling platform powered by clean, renewable energy to address the power constraints of traditional floats. By combining an autonomous profiling float with our proprietary energy harvesting system, we generate electricity from the ocean’s temperature differences, to power sensors that are not feasible on existing profiling floats. Our baseline configuration includes a CTD sensor and can profile three times a day to a depth of 1,000 meters (2,000 on request). The infiniTE™ system is also capable of supporting power-hungry sensors like echosounders and hydrophones.


SVP Drifters
MetOcean Telematics Novatech - Canada
The Surface Velocity Program (SVP, iSVP) drifting buoy is a Lagrangian current-following drifter, designed to track water currents (15 metres depth) beneath the ocean surface. Developed for unattended operation in the oceans of the world, the SVP consists of sensors to acquire meteorological and oceanographic data, a battery power source, and a satellite transmitter that relays the data through either Argos or Iridium satellite systems.
Stokes Drifters
MetOcean Telematics Novatech - Canada
Stokes Drifter is a compact drifting buoy equipped with GNSS positioning, a sea surface temperature sensor, and Iridium satellite telemetry, which enables the buoy to transmit vital sensor and geo-positional location data in real time.
MetOcean Telematics Novatech - Canada
The CODE/DAVIS drifter has been designed and tested to meet the performance criteria of the CODE (Coastal Ocean Dynamics Experiment) drifter developed by Dr. Russ Davis of SIO. The CODE/DAVIS drifter is an inexpensive solution to acquire coastal and esturarian water currents within a meter of the water surface.
AIS Drifter Buoy
develogic - Germany
AIS Drifter Buoy with Iridium and Flasher

AIS class B transponder 
IRIDIUM 9602 SBD transponder
Hull integrated LED flasher

1) via AIS: position, speed and heading
2) via Iridium:  water temperature, barometric pressure (additional options)


MiSat Buoy for deep-water mooring deployments
develogic - Germany
The develogic MI.Sat II buoy is suitable for deep-water mooring deployments, and designed to withstand external pressure up to 50bar in case of temporary submergence, even under ice.
It has an integrated acoustic and inductive modem module for communication, allowing for bi-directional communication with the mooring mounted sensors and electronics.

All develogic MI.Sat II buoys are designed for your specific needs, with incorporation of multiple accessories and upgrades.
Gateway Sailbuoy
develogic - Germany
The Sailbuoy is a configurable Unmanned Ocean Vessel designed and developed by norwegian company to support a wide variety of instrumentation payloads. It can keep station or follow a track. Data is transmitted to and from shore in real time via satellite. The develogic version of the sailbuoy includes several high sophistictaed subsea communication products and features.